Fleet Service
Looking for a more convenient option, where you can be in complete control?
Want to keep your commercial vehicles in use by having the maintenance done at your office or other locations?
Need fast, quick and prompt service done anywhere to keep the tyres moving?
Now that’s;
‘Getting to know your Mechanic’
*From $230 - 1 hour 15 minutes
*(based on average 4 cyl passenger car)
Tim’s Mechanical can take care of all your fleet servicing related needs as he comes to you. Now that’s convenience!
This saves you having to leave your vehicles at the dealership or workshop all day, reducing the vehicles downtime when it can be on the road and in effect increasing staff productivity and profit margins.
Tim’s Mechanical can carry out all diagnostic work and also service and repair any other issues that arise. You will know how much time has been spent on your vehicles and always be told what genuinely needs replacing.
Tim is happy to work with you and work out a competitive fixed price that will beat your current mechanic and improve your bottom line.
Tim has cooling and fuel system pressure testers, scan tools and other required tools and equipment on board to diagnose and repair any problem that you are experiencing with your vehicle today.
Fleet Service will consist of the following:
-Oil 5L 10W-40 Semi-Synthetic (full-synthetic, enviro friendly, low ash/sulfur oils extra)
-Oil Filter
-Air Filter
-Cabin Filter (checked and cleaned/replaced if non serviceable)
-Full Check Over - (steering, brakes and suspension)
-Fluids checked and topped up - (water, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, auto trans fluid & window washer additive)
-Lights, instruments and controls checked
-Diagnostic Scan - (to check for any faults, reset service light/history and reset fuel trims)
-Waste - (dispose of old oil filters, oil, rags, general rubbish)
-Consumables - (rags, brake cleaner, lubes, globes, sump plug washers)
-Service Sticker
-Logbook Stamped
-Invoice Emailed
Once all servicing & repairs are complete, Tim will test the vehicle and check for any leaks to make sure there are no ongoing issues.
Tim will also run the vehicle up to operating temperature to ensure all is ok when the vehicle is at operating temperature and under a load.
Don't risk driving the car to a workshop, you could cause major engine damage and a small low cost repair may turn into an expensive fix.
Stay at home or work and Tim will come to you. Once inspected, Tim will then give you a price upfront on the repairs needed.
Only quality parts used on your vehicle and any damaged or worn parts can be replaced on site at your convenience - home or work.
All work comes with a 12 Month/10,000 km Warranty.
*Prices subject to change, depending on vehicle type, configuration & OEM servicing guideline - (average price based on general four cylinder passenger vehicle)
*Prices subject to change, depending if travel time is over 30 minutes one way.
Additional charge of $99/hr would then apply.